
Glitter silver BMW E34 airride extreme charm

Time:2022-6-26 Edit:AIRBFTsuspension

Glitter silver BMW E34 airride  extreme charm

AIRBFTsuspension low-lying cultural modification exchange center will share the case for you: Glitter silver BMW E34 airride extreme charm。This BMW E34 comes from the picture feedback of the Korean airbft dealer. It has been honed for 30 years to create a legend of a generation of classic BMW. The vicissitudes of life, let’s appreciate the charming attitude of BMW E34 modified AIRBFT air suspension.

Glitter silver BMW E34 airride extreme charm

Glitter silver BMW E34 airride extreme charm

Glitter silver BMW E34 airride extreme charm

Twenties BMW 315
BMW wanted to make its own sedan, but it didn’t want to challenge the big Daimler-Benz cars of the day, so it decided to try something smaller. At that time, a factory called Axonli Transportation Industries owned a car brand called Wartburg, which was later renamed Dixi. At that time, the sales of Dixi cars were not good, so they applied to the austin car factory in the United Kingdom for the right to manufacture the Type 7 car in Germany. It was officially put into production in 1927 and was renamed dixi315dai (da is the German version), which was welcomed by German customers. The Anglo-German half-blood has brought the car factory back to life. In the eyes of BMW shareholders, the merger of Axon Force and BMW was the best opportunity to improve the competitiveness of the brand, and finally the two merged in 1928. In July 1929, BMW launched its first car, the 315, which was renamed the dixi315 produced at the beginning of the year, but experts disagree that the dixi315 was BMW’s first car. In any case, BMW’s 315 was produced until the end of 1932, which lasted for nearly 6 years. year. The Diesy is a very basic vehicle, but it brings BMW into the world of four wheels. It didn’t look like a racing car in any way, yet the owner of the Diesy couldn’t wait to start a test drive on the track, and it’s amazing that a Diesy car was a success in the 1929 Alpine Rally.

Modification case of BMW airride: BMW E34 airride 

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